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Tipu Sultan Day Celebrated at Govt T I College

Tipu Sultan Day Celebrated at Govt T I College      

         Tipu sultan day was celebrated at Govt. Postgraduate College Chenab Nagar the other day; to mark the martyrdom of a great soldier on 4 May 1799, known as lion of Mysor, who preferred honorable death over humiliated living. Various speakers adorned the day especially Prof Ali Imran Shah was jewel of the day as he delivered a key note speech to highlight the role of Hazarat Tipu Sultan. He said "Tipu Sultan was a true soldier of Islam and freedom loving stardom. He abhorred cunning politics of the British Ruler and was determined to exterminate the British out of the peninsula. Unfortunately Nizam of Deccan and Maratha did not side with him. So, he decided to combat on his own meager resources. He organized his army on modern footings and put up valiant fight to uproot foreign rulers. He also mobilized foreign powers like Afghanistan, France, and Egypt to get rid of British rulers. He did all what he could do, but Mir Jaffer’s treachery put barricade on wake of his ambitions. He lost his life but was able to set an example and engraved his name on the pages of history. He proved that valiant never dies but disappears. He became a role model for the later generation who ultimately uprooted castles of British imperialism and were able to see the dawn of freedom.

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