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DECLINE OF HUMANS - Chapter #1 [By Nisar Hussain]

[Decline of Man-Chapter # 1]

Is our ability of Imagination damping? Yes!

By Nisar Hussain

Shall we consider touching off a serious issue just in the initial launch of this blog?
      As an author, I must create a reason for my readers to keep visiting and on every visit, they feel satisfaction of achieving something good for their selves from my content. If you read down till the end, I bet most of sensible people will start developing a habit of reading from this instance as the issue I'm going to address holds a matter for us to be deeply worried about and 'reading' is the only way possible to encounter it.

Have you ever realized that every passing day, you are damping your brain's capabilities? In other words, killing it?
We contemplate that our world is modernizing and improving. Indeed it is doing so. We are witnessing new overwhelmingly impressive inventions. All these were once a fantasy of escapists, now they are physically real. This has been made possible by 'Thinking' of human mind. We 'Think'. It makes imagination and fantasy. Words might not lay down true importance of 'thinking power'. It lies beyond our ken, yet we can imagine its vast extent. You see things in your imagination that might not even exist on this earth! But yet! your brain visualize a multi-dimensional model of it. And that is what we call envision.

It took centuries for man to flourish the quality of thinking, and we got this as a gift through endowment, with which, if I disclose the word 'Elephant' after your brain, it automatically displays an image of elephant in your mind (doesn't it?). This has what made man supreme over other animals. However, now it seems like we are failing to recognize the importance of this gift by our ancestors and going back to what we were in the stone age.

Your brain does not cease thinking just on visualizing. It 'thinks' further to materialization and some competent minds stumble upon with an idea to make it so. If anything goes wrong, your brain overthink to devise a way out to fix it and carry on to complete the implementation. If this implementation go unsuccessful, your brain makes another attempt to devise a new way of making the implementation possible. It keeps formulating new ways until things go successful or the man himself cede.
Basically, this is how your brain works to make new things. Today, if we are witnessing all these inventions! from an iron needle to a complex computer! all this contrived when human brains got to work and used the power of 'thinking'! This is what we now call 'creativity'.

Isn't it so captivating to keep witnessing new inventions and innovations to awe ourselves and make our lives easy?!
 It of course is!
But how bitter and pessimistic it will be if I say that it no longer will stay like this!
Human brains will soon be getting deprived off by the power of 'thinking'. And as all these inventions are created by thinking, we will no longer be having new inventions. Can you imagine how devastating it will be if this actually happens?
So much worse for this world if what I just told, proves to be correct. You all will be wondering 'how?'
To answer that, let me remind what your brain is able to do for you and what it is doing every time you think. Whenever you read or listen, your brain makes virtual raw images. For example, when you read or listen a story or any tale, have you ever realized that you are actually watching all that happening in your brain!!! your brain is able to generate images of whatever you read! (It should makes sense however)
This is the exact same capability of brain with which it thinks and visualize things.
With the advancement of technology, especially the graphical technology; in simple words the 'moving pictures;videos' which we contemplate to be a great invention. It indeed is! and that is why we are not looking at its conflicting affects! Who would look up for negative aspects of something that is giving so much benefits! This is like a 'slow death'. We are not able to feel the bad impact videos are causing on our brain!
As I recall, brain is able to generate virtual images by reading or listening to something for better and easy interpretation. But now, when brain has to interpret a video, it do not have to bring about anything as the video itself already possess interpretable form (images). Most people will see this as a good point of videos when it is actually causing a devastating effect that most of us are not able to realize yet.
Our brain is no longer feeling the need to use its ability of 'thinking'! It is the exact same ability which is the root to all inventions and the one that generate virtual images of whatever we read. Videos are desisting brain to practice its imagination and visualizing powers. Soon this power of 'thinking' will be taken away from us.
For confirmation, if we consider the Theory of Inheritance of Acquired Characteristics by Lamarck, that is supported by evidence with respect to a variety of scientific disciplines including the dictating history of evolved organisms.
So if we comply with this theory, in simple words it states that, an organism evolves! it brings changes in itself to better adapt in environment.

How it does that?
It do that by dropping organs or capabilities it does not use or need.
'Tail' was useless for humans, evolution chopped it off.
Hindus do not eat meat, they do not get need to bite often (biting organism have sharp teeth;incisor, however herbivores do not)
You can notice that they went through evolution and they do not possess well structured incisors now. (exception in few cases).
Following the exact same rule of losing a capability that do not come in use, humans will lose their power of thinking if they continue to rely fully on videos for things that they can easily get through reading and listening. But when things come in unnecessary use, they cause an adverse effect.
Evolution, however, is not carried by a few years or decades, it takes million years. And it does not happen instantly, it is brought slowly. Our thinking capability is getting rusty and it will keep losing power if things continue like this.
Despite stopping, we are going for advancement which is eventually causing a slight quicker evolution to occur and deprive human from a great blessing that is the root cause of all the other blessings we are getting ease from these days.
Now that we watch videos on T.V, mobile or computer, they are 2 dimensional. Our brain still have to do a little effort for turning it into 3 dimensional in brain. Obviously not literally! But just to make you feel the distances and effects, it have do a little effort.
Thanks to Graphical advancement, we now have 3D cinemas and motion rides! Sounds awesome, doesn't it?!
Now our brain do not have to do that little effort anymore as well. And we have given our complete selves in control of graphics.
This situation go akin with human not ingesting his food but getting glucose drips direct into vessels. Both gives energy but are not the same as the one causing ease, is to cause other problems as well.
I know most will not bother about this as they have prior themselves and not about the upcoming generations. And as I told, evolution takes a million years to happen, they would have taken that as an absolute relief to lock this issue for now and leave it for upcoming generations to deal with.
 But if I remind something here....Whatever you do in your life course, a little of it pass on through inheritance. But throughout your life course, it will have a great effect on your own self. During your average course of life, if you rely totally on graphical ease, your ability of thinking will get shaky soon and you will start having problem of remembering things just as old people do. Eventually your brain will go feeble much earlier and will lose its strengths.
So beside being precarious about this, 'think'!
I am not advising to drop the use of videos. I know that is somewhat impossible now, even for myself. But we can try not to get fully dependent on them, and develop a habit of reading. Technological innovations designed to save energy, not to deprive man's abilities. The reason for this article just at the beginning of blog is to promote 'reading'! If you wish to  help me out in doing this, share this article and advance this to other people.

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