Why different animals have different coloured skin covering?
Why different animals have different coloured skin covering?
are many reasons why different animals have different colour of their skin.
Sometimes the colouring of the animals is
aided by special modifications of shape, etc. The animal is mistaken for some
well known object. This is what happens in the case of insects which resemble
pieces of straw, or in case of butterflies which fold their wings so as to look
exactly like dry leaves.
The colouring is utilized offensive
purposes. When animals approaches to attack other animal, their skin colouring
akin to surrounding help them and their victim cannot recognize them easily and
thus their intention remains unnoticed and help to achieve success.
Another type of protective colouring is
mimicry. In this case the animal resembles some other animal which is specially
disliked by its enemy. So skin colouring is used by animals for both defensive
and offensive purpose. The nature has bestowed this covering for their survival
apart from their identity and beauty.
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