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Watch the most spectacular natural coloured storm?

Watch the most spectacular natural coloured storm?



             If you want to see the most spectacular phenomenon of coloured storm of aurora then travel and reach near the arctic or antartic region.Aurora is a luminous meteoric phenomenon of electrical character seen in sky above  Polar Regions with a tremulous motion and giving forth eight streams of rays. Aurora or curly coloured dashing storm of light. This illumination of sky flowing from North Pole is called Aurora Borealis or Northern Lights, and streaming from South Pole is called Aurora Australis or 

Southern Lights. 
            Northern lights or southern lights are caused by collisions of fast moving electrons, coming from sun, with oxygen, nitrogen present in our atmosphere. 

              These solar electrons of solar wind collide with electrons of oxygen and 

nitrogen molecule. As a result, electrons of oxygen and nitrogen are excited i.e. they shift to high energy state When excited electrons return to normal ground state, energy is released in the form of radiation of different colour and form aurora. Or simply, lights pour out when excited oxygen and nitrogen return to ground state.the principle of aurora is akin to reason of firework where different salt are heated and electrons jump to higher energy state and when they return to their ground state, light of different colours is emitted.So, one can say that aurora are nature's firework.Aurora have different form but the most important one is curtain like arc which breaks into eight arms.The complete ring can be seen only from space.This ring is called auroral oval.Aurora has different colours; RED is due to Oxygen at high altitude;GREEN is due to oxygen at low altitude; BLUE is due to nitrogen; YELLOW is due to mixing of red and green and PINK is due to mixing of light green and red. Different auroral shape can be seen in single night. The sound produced by aurora are faint clapping, crackling sounds, it seems that nature is celebrating joy with natural fireworks and clapping.Keep in mind, when nature becomes it manifest his pleasure with colours and sounds.Butterflies speak with colours; flowers manifest joy with colour and fragrance; raindrops celebrate by making curved colour band of rainbow, cuckoo utters melodious song; firefly show his ecstasy with cold soothing light; many other examples.But the lightening and colour and sound of aurora have no match.
            Look at the Union Jack, flag of UK; there are eight arms of red and white colour with background colour of blue.It is the symbol of aurora, eight red and white arms represent aurora rays and blue background represents sky.I think who ever was designing  Union Jack must had aurora in his subconscious. There are number of structures and building representing aurora pattern.for example, Faisalabad is the third largest city of Pakistan, it old name was Lyallpure named after Sir James Lyll, Lt Govenor of the Punjab.This city has a famous Hour Tower(ghanta ghar) built by British in 1903 situated in the centre of eight markets that look like the Union Jack from aerial view and represents  the aurora.

           The most appropriate place to watch aurora is Alaska, Canada and Scandinavian countries.The resident of USA can see this curly coloured storm near Canadian border.If you are lucky then you can even watch aurora in Japan.


1 comment:

  1. Aurora is an amazing phenomenon. To see this I am planning my Northern lights vacation alaska and I wish I could see these lights.


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