calorimetric calorimetry
calorimetric calorimetry is one of the method for the determination of specific
heat or latent heat of substance the method used this method of mixtures according to the principle of calorimetry when a body at higher temperature is brought in contact with another body at lower temperature the heat lost by the hot body is equal to the heat gained by the cold body provided no heat is allowed to escape to the surroundings heat lost by the hot body is equal to heat gained by the cold body this is known as principle of method of mixtures the device in which heat measurement can be made by utilizing the principle of calorimetry is called a calorimeter .one calorimeter consists of cylindrical metallic vessel and stirrer of same material like copper or aluminium - the vessel is kept inside a wooden box its outer surfaces are polished to prevent loss of heat due to radiation tree the space between the calorimeter and wooden box is filled
with non conducting material like glass or wool to prevent heat loss due to conduction for calorimeter is closed with non conducting lid to minimize the loss of heat due to convection 5 the stirrer and thermometer are inserted through a hole provided at the center of a lid experiment determination of specific heat of solid procedure 1 an empty and dry calorimeter with stirrer is clean and it's mass is determined by using common balance
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